AI coaching & Technical consulting

"Unlock the secret to successful digital transformation quickly and securely"

We All Need Help to Realize

What We Want Most.

  • One on One AI coaching 
  • Digital Transformation Coaching
  • Overcome AI adoption roadblocks
  • Workshops & Webinars on AI Tools

I’m Ashish, Your AI & Digital Transformation Consultant

Ashish has overall 35+ years of Industrial experience in areas of electronic instrumentation & software engineering.

Ashish has 24+ years of experience in software engineering and I am the Co-founder of a generative AI start-up, a pioneer in strategic AI consulting and implementation. Our mission is to empower leaders with effective AI tools, & Platforms driving transformational change.

I’ve helped a multiple clients overcome AI adoption hurdles. Across my career, I’ve worked with 200+ clients helping them to achieve up to 45% faster implementation and 30% higher ROI through these digital transformation unlock the secret to successful digital transformation quickly and securely technologies.

My Mission & Vision


Ashish is on a mission to help and educate industry leaders to overcome AI Anguish and get them to take small Actions so that they can achieve overcome AI adoption roadblocks, achieve seamless integration with zero risk, and fast-track your results using the latest technologies.


Making millions of people happier , healthier, prosperous and positive through the blend of technology and spirituality


Do You Need
increase your business with blockchain ?

My latest book –

Five Secrets to Financial Independence

“The biggest difference between financial success and failure is how well you manage your money. It’s simple: to master money, you must manage money.” – T. Harv Eker

Managing your finances, managing money, investing in suitable instruments, and making financial decisions are often seen as complex tasks involving mathematical calculations using formulae and Excel sheets. However, in the real world, many people are reluctant to make financial decisions on money management and investments, which can lead them to financial independence at an early age and help them achieve their financial goals. As an AI expert with a keen interest in personal finance, I have written this book to share my experiences and stories regarding financial independence. I have used easy-to-understand terms and language to make these concepts accessible to everyone, blending technology and personal finance to guide you towards achieving your financial goals.

Main Services

We All Need Help to Realize

What We Want Most.


One on One Coaching

One on one sessions to provide you help to diagnose the AI maturity and data readiness, and then systematically map out an implementation plan aligned with the overarching business goals


AI Consulting

-Comprehensive diagnostics of AI maturity
-Agile roadmap for seamless integration
-Robust data optimization and governance
-AI innovation labs for risk-free prototyping
-Continuous workforce training



Conducting workshops and seminars Workshops for leadership teams to understand AI
Build a a clear framework for leveraging AI sustainable competitive advantage—without expensive trials and errors or wasted resources and securing the enterprise data.

Technical Consulting & Coaching

  • Software Project Management
  • Business Consulting
  • Leadership AI training
  • Software test engineering


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    Activense Holistic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    Making millions of people happier , healthier, prosperous and positive