Activense Liquid Stevia

Stevia, sourced from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, is a natural, zero-calorie sweetener that offers a healthy substitute for sugar. Some key benefits of stevia include:

Blood Sugar Regulation:
Stevia can assist in maintaining stable blood sugar levels, making it potentially advantageous for individuals with diabetes. It contains steviol glycosides, which are 150–300 times sweeter than sugar yet do not affect insulin or blood glucose levels.

Weight Management:
As a calorie-free and carbohydrate-free sweetener, stevia is a popular choice for keto and other low-carb diets. Research has shown that individuals consuming stevia maintained their body weight, whereas those in the control group experienced weight gain.

Dental Health:
Stevia is non-cariogenic, meaning it does not contribute to tooth decay.

Heart Health:
The glycosides found in stevia may support heart health. A study conducted in 2009 suggested that stevia might help manage cholesterol levels.

Liver Health:
Stevia’s antioxidant properties may offer benefits to liver health.

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